Peritoneal dialysis
You will perform peritoneal dialysis conveniently with NephroGo
Proper diet
You will follow a proper kidney-friendly diet
Health condition
You will learn how to observe the status of your health
Management of CKD
You will gain self-confidence in managing your CKD
Reduced burden
You will reduce the burden of your chronic kidney disease
Progression of CKD
You will reduce the progression of CKD
Personalised counter of nutrients
Type the product
Type the product you have eaten and you instantly will find out how much potassium, sodium, phosphorus, proteins, fluids and kilocalories you have consumed.
See the progress of the day
NephroGo will calculate how much and which electrolytes you can still consume today without causing any damage to your kidneys.
Observe the dynamics of the week
By checking the summaries of the week, you will know if you have managed to follow a proper kidney friendly diet.
Control your diet
Control your diet simply and easily with NephroGo.

Health status
Record your health data
Record your blood pressure, weight, urine volume, blood glucose, swelling and well-being on a daily basis.
Track the dynamics
Track the dynamics of your health status and notice significant changes at an initial stage.
Notice significant symptoms
Identify deficiency or excess of electorolytes by monitoring your symptoms.
Save the data
Keep the data of your health status in one place: it will help your doctor to understand your daily well-being and the progress of the CKD.

Peritoneal dialysis
Perform peritoneal dialysis
NephroGo is suituable for both 'manual' and automatic dialysis.
Track the dynamics of fluid balance
Enter the data of dialysis solutions, amount of urine and drinks and NephroGo will calculate your fluid balance.
Monitor your health status
Record arterial blood pressure, pulse, body weight and urine volume before the dialysis.
Get a dialysis record
NephroGo will prepare a dialysis data sheet for you which you can easily share with your doctor.


Giedrė Žulpaitė
Karolis Vyčius
dr. Laurynas Rimševičius
Edita Saukaitytė-Butvilė
DietitianNephroGo partners